Friday, July 18, 2008

Jaluit, Jaluit!

By Adam Schaefers

I'm finally in Jaluit Jaluit. I have been here for three days now, since July 1st. God's timing in all of this has been nothing less than perfect.

After Kealoha took the plane to the Majuro hospital I was told by Captain Meoshi that he had set up a ride for me to go to the other side of the island (Jaluit Jaluit). I packed and left Jabor that same hour.

The truck dropped me off (for free) at Benji's house and they were so excited to see me. We talked story "Bwebwenato" for a while, and then loaded all my stuff into a wheelbarrow! I pushed it a mile down the beach all the way to the end of the island where my host family lives. We (benjit Rosbie came too) surprised my host family and they were all smiles and stoked that I was finally there! Also a good friend from last time was there. They immediately cooked up a bunch of rice and tuna fish. We sat down and ate and got caught up to speed on the latest happenings.

It turns out they were basically out of food! They had no rice or flour and had eaten all the breadfruit and bananas. All they had left is coconut and whatever they catch in the ocean. You should have seen the smiles on the kids faces and the “thank you’s” from the adults - They were so happy to have a solid meal.

Life here in Jaluit is rough. I'm sure the Revolution Hawaii boys will tell you all about it when they return. I have to go soon as my neighbor Ilon is coming over to teach me Marshallese.

I have decided that I will be happy about my trip and consider it a success if two things happen:
1. That I be an encouragement and a blessing to my Corps. (It's easy to get down and depressed being so extremely isolated).
2. That I model an example of the Christian life of holiness, love, humility, and servanthood incarnationally among my host family. (I do not think they are all Christians...from what I have seen already, it seems the general consensus is that a Christian is simply someone who does not smoke, drink, or wear earrings, tattoos, etc! A huge misconception.

I miss you guys. I miss home. Pray for me out here. I give my testimony this upcoming Sunday.

Back in RMI

By Adam Schaefers

I am currently in Jabor. The plane that flies from Majuro to Jaluit was broke so Corey and I had to take a boat. The boat ride was a miserable 22+ hours. I was seasick, throwing up every hour. Corey did OK, but he literally thought we were going to die.

I have now been stuck in Jabor for a week because the stores here were out of food. They thought it would be a bad idea for me to go to Jaluit Jaluit without rice and flour. Today the rice shipment came in so I bought 100 lbs. of rice and a lot of needed misc. items. Now I am ready to go onward.

It has been great to be back here in the islands and so see all the familiar faces. I think the delay here in Jabor has turned out to be a good thing. I was able to spend time with the Revolution Hawaii guys, trying to encourage and build them up. In fact, Kealoha is seriously having a medical emergency. Yesterday we thought he was going to die! He had severe chest pain shooting into his arm and half his body was numb. He could not feel his arm and his whole body was shaking. I was running around everywhere trying to get aspirin, which he wouldn’t take, and to get the doctor. Kealoha was vomiting blood, which means he could have potentially bled to death internally. So the three of us spent the night in this little medical facility where Kealoha was hooked up to an I.V.

This morning Kealoha is still sore and today he will fly to Majuro to get examined at the hospital. Corey will remain in Jabor and I’m going to Jaluit Jaluit ASAP.

Pray for us! We have been praying like crazy.
